Reminder: Quranic Sources of Divine Names of Healing, Imam Bilal, this Sat. 11/19 10:30 AM
Updated: Jul 1, 2023

Sat. Nov. 19, 201610:30 AM - about 1 PMAlbany, CA"The Wound is the place where light enters you. There you sprout wings, and fly up high and light up the Sun." Jelaluddin Rumi, #149 Imam Bilal says he is definitely well enough to teach the class on Saturday; this is the class previously scheduled for Oct. 22.... In the class Sept. 10, Imam Bilal focused primarily on Ya Kafee. Going beyond the traditional lists of 99 Names that were included in Physicians of the Heart, this class will focus on the Divine Names of Healing, exploring deeply their roots, Quranic sources, and uses. If you plan to be present (we hope for remote attendance with a better microphone, recordings expected), please contact Subhana at Requested donation is $50 to $75. Contributions to the scholarship fund are welcome, some partial scholarships may be available. If you are attending remotely, please mail your checks, made out to Bilal Hyde, as soon as possible so they can arrive before the class (or remind Subhana if you have previously sent in a check or made other arrangements). Shukran. Please keep Imam Bilal and his family in your prayers. He thanks everyone; he is so grateful for the prayers and kind letters and cards; he feels and appreciates your prayers very much. Shukran jazillan.
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