Reminder: The Language of Love, Imam Bilal, this Sunday, 5/13, 10:30 AM-1 PM
Updated: Jul 1, 2023

The Language of Love, with Imam Bilal
Sunday, May 13, 201810:30 AM - about 1 PMAlbany, CA
Cherished by Love, every thorn blossoms into a rose. Treasured by Love, even vinegar mellows into wine. Tasted with Love, all bitterness turns sweet. Burning with Love, in each and every flame there shines a light. Protected by Love, devils can be angels. Humbled by Love, even a king becomes a beggar. Every corpse returns to life, with the Breath of Love. Caressed by Love, every tear melts into a smile.
Jalal al-Din Rumi
Translated by Imam Bilal Hyde
Albany, California
April 14, 2018
Originally scheduled for 2 days, upon deciding to teach a class on the Full Moon of Sha'aban, Imam Bilal Hyde chose to limit this workshop to one day at this time. It promises to be filled with that which has sprung from hearts inspired by love. Ramadan begins later this week, and this class is in anticipation of it. Suggested donation sliding scale $50 to $150. Remote attendance is planned using Zoom, with video of Imam Bilal (please reply soon if you wish to connect remotely!). Recordings available afterwards, same price as attending (included with registration). Questions and registration to Subhana at
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