The Heart of the Qur’an: YaSeen – Love’s Most Treasured Possession class w/ Imam Bilal to be resc...
Updated: Jul 1, 2023
The Heart of the Qur’an: YaSeen – Love’s Most Treasured Possession
Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015--to be rescheduled, Imam Bilal isn't well10:30 AM - 1 PMAlbany, CA
إن لكل شئ قلباً وقلب القرآن يس ومن قرأ يس كتب الله له بقراءتها قراءة القرآن عشر مرات “Truly, everything has a heart and the heart of Qur’an is YaSeen; and whoever recites YaSeen, Allah shall record for him, because of that recitation, the recitation of the Qur’an ten times.” Hadith, through al-Tirmidhi and al-Darimi “In the heart of the night, when the heart of the Qur’an is remembered in the heart of the faithful, all prayers are answered, each and every need is satisfied, and all of your heart’s desires are fulfilled.” Hadith Know the mirror of the heart is infinite. Either the understanding falls silent, or it leads you astray, because the heart is with God, or indeed the heart is He. Jalaluddin Rumi, Mathnawi I: 3488-3491, translated by Kabir & Camille Helminski Everything has a heart. YaSeen is the heart of the Qur’an. The night has a heart. It is the quietest hour of stillness and peace. The month has a heart, the mansions of the full moon. The year has a heart. It is the sacred month of Ramadan, the month of fasting. This month itself has a special heart, a heart within a heart. It is the Night of Power, a night like no other. On this night the light of angels, row upon row, and the Holy Spirit descend upon your heart. The earth has a heart. It is the city of Mecca. This city also has a heart. It is the Ka’abah towards which more than a billion people around the world turn five times a day, every day. The Ka’abah herself has a heart. It is the sacred Black Stone, which men have kissed from time immemorial. The heavens have a heart. It is the garden of Firdaus, the seventh and highest heaven. In the heart of this garden is the Divine Throne, the heart of the universe. On the throne rests the very Heart of Allah, upon which is inscribed one word—Love. This is the promise of Divine Compassion, Mercy, Tenderness, and Grace. Each one of us has a heart. Cherish it! For it is Love’s most treasured possession. Imam Bilal will offer mystical tafsir on Surah YaSeen, the heart of the Qur'an. This will be the fourth class focused on this Surah. Recordings of the previous classes are available. This class will be available for remote connection. Please contact Subhana at to sign up. You are invited to take advantage of the introductory price of $35 to $50 for this and earlier classes.
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