- Bilal subtitled this class "Zoological Garden of the Nafs"
- It helps to identify the nafs by giving them a funny name
- Like "Ghostbusters"; need bug spray, which is dhikr
- Physical as well as psychological aspects; in dayq (anger) chest tightens
- Ways anger gets distorted progressively
- (the next class will be a "Medicine Show" on how to use dhikr to stop reaction, as early as you can so it won't fester in the soul)
- anger can be like a roaring lion, like terrible furies, whispering and mumbling, or like a buzzard feeding on carrion
- A healthy fear can lead to taqwa (super awareness of divine presence)
- Fear can be like a pig squealing, like the braying of a jackass, the intense darkness of the night
- Furqan is needed; check guidance from Qur'an, hadith, sunnah (huda), from a murshid (rushd), and within yourself (ilham); if they line up you can act, if they don't keep asking for guidance
Work on the Nafs: Healing Anger and Fear (June 12, 2021)