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Bilal subtitlted this class "Healing the Broken Heart"

Huzn=sorrow; greater degrees are grief, depression, despair, holding oneself in contempt

humhum: distress, sadness, also means head lice, annoying reminder

"the wound is the place where light enters" (Rumi Mathnawi I:3222-3227); hadith: for every disease there is a cure

Allahumma masbutan la masqutan, Oh Allah, more respect for self, less self-revilement

Never despair, never give up hope for Allah's life-giving mercy; it is the breath that's healing

Extra nawaful prayers (an extra raqat of witr), Dhikr standing, sitting, lying down, walking

Quranic verses, tafsir 18:46, 19:76 al baqiyat as-salihat (everlasting good deeds, dhikrs)

SubhanAllah wa bi hamdih, SubhanAllahul 'adhim (dhikr helps turn fear to forgiveness; try doing at least 100x when you feel fear)

Work on the Nafs: Healing Sorrow, Anger, and Fear (Class July 10, 2021)

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