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  • muraqabah is watching
  • observe thoughts, notice they come from the unseen, nothingness, and they return to nothingness; when you understand where they come from they lose their charge
  • the heart faces the nafs or the ruh (spirit, breath)
  • it is possible to be absorbed, lose your dhikr, even in fana'; all states are temporary
  • in muraqabah there is some stability, a way to stay sober
  • thought doesn't stay attached to you
  • la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah, no strength or power but Allah;; hawla: strength to transform based on deep insight; quwwata: strength of heart
  • in remembrance of God hearts find rest

Work on the Nafs: Muraqabah: Welcoming the Voices of the Soul (April 3, 2021)

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